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Music Can Influence Your Online Dating Life

A new study came out today outlining the role music can play in your online dating life, and surprisingly enough it has a lot of influence!

Mental Health experts at Cambridge University have been doing research for the past few years, tracking how your mental state changes when you listen to different genres of music while going through the dating process. The results showed with a great margin that inspirational Adult Contemporary music (like Train or Simon & Garfunklel) are the best tunes to listen to when you’re looking for a date.

The two worst genres to listen to? Rap and– brace yourselves, because you probably weren’t expecting this– love songs! Love songs can actually put you in a mild depression while single if you listen to them too often. Most people listen to them as an inspiration of something to aspire to, but as it turns out, if you’re constantly listening to someone talk about something you want but don’t have, it can put you in the dumps easier than it can lift you out of them.

If you’re looking for a date, your iPod should be filled with easy listening hits that talk more about life than they do about love, also you should find singles on the musical online dating site Tastebuds.FM. This way the music will keep you upbeat, but won’t fill your head with thoughts of things you currently don’t have.

If you’re looking online for love, make sure you’re listening to tunes that will help you, not hinder you. Stay away from the rap and sappy love songs, and enjoy feel-good music that you can enjoy and let loose to!


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  1. September 23, 2011, 1:05 pm

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  2. October 27, 2011, 2:16 pm

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